Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dealth Tag - Gothicleeman

It a life fact that we are all going to die at some point in time but if you could decide how you would like it to happen what would you decide???

This is my answer................

1. How do you want to die?

As you know i am a mother of two beautiful young boys and maybe more children in the future if i had to best answer this i don't want to die old and sick... I don't want my child hear me complain about being sick and uncomfortable all the time.. that not the best way to have last memory of me..

So i would hope that i would die in some uncontrollable way like a car accident something my family and friend cant blame them self over..

2. What is happen with my youtube channel internet life??

That is something i cant really say well i guess that when you inactivity from a site for a period of time the admin of the site delete it.. but me i dont mind what happen to my internet life it would be nice if the kids decide to make me a good bye video but that personally up to them... but they dont need to worry about it i think the kids would love to find my stuff online they can re watch my video find out what kind of person i was beside their mum.

3. Who will you leave your money to?

I'm hoping i was able to save some money for the family before i die of course it will go to the kids...

4. What will happen to your body?

I happy to be put in a coffin or burn depend what the kids decide they want to do, I dont really want to be burn and make them hold onto my remain, They can burn me as long as they put me under a nice tree in the bush im a bush/woods girl at heart that wear i love to be.

But then i don't want to be put in the ground and my kids feel that can moved away because my body their i want my kids to have to freedom to do what ever they like when i gone not feel like that have to stick by me.. 

5. How do you want your funeral?

 half formal/ half not but i don't want it to be a long one save all the talking for later in your own time. I don't want people to wash them time trying to act formal and professional 

6. How would you like to be remembered?

i nice video at my funeral picture, music, video from youtube if they like, or video friend have taken why i was at party, home etc............. and nice chill party with drinks and talking and laughing because death is not bad. 

7. What will you miss the most that will exist after you're dead?  

A, my kids that a given they have fill my life with enjoy and love that can never be replaces
B, friends their are a few wonderful people that has give me great memorys being real life friends and a great wonderful goth people i have meet online, google + chats

C. Andrew if he still alive at the time i will miss him he decide to build a life with me

D. the feeling of being alive, you cant explain this in world because it your life path, it can be as simple as the sea, the feeling of the wind, the smell of woody/bush early morning life the little thing that made my life what it is and what it was is what is important to me and i will miss.

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