Sunday, October 11, 2015

Gothic Movies

I set myself a goal of picking 7 Gothic movies that i love and also not as popular, so that mean no Tim Burton movies.

 Movies 1: Horns 
This movies is on my list of "goth point", it nice to see harry potter/ Daniel Radcliffe in something else and his character is very angry, in pain and dark. this movie take you on a twisted pain fill journey. if you haven't watch i would add this on your list to do.
quotes from someone else is: [this has the potential to be a modern-day "Edward Scissorhands." ]

Movie 2: Twixt 2011
now this is a very interest story, i enjoy the black and grey theme of when the write is dreaming and it a movie that kind make you question to try and understand where it going. i love how they have "evil goth kids across the lake".

Movies 3:Donnie darko 2001
This movie has been a childhood favorite of mine and still much love to this day i cry during this movie. This movie has a very supernatural feel to it. In the form of a creepy bunny rabbit
this movies has a very dark feel and theme to it.. and i would class this as gothic style movie

Movies 4: Stonehearst Asylum 2014
Nothing beat a Allen Poe story, need i say more

 Movies 5: Interview with a vampire 1994
i very old favorite of mine one of the first vampire movie i feel in love with after Dracula of course. this movie/book has what you want from a vampire movie history, pain, dark ness and beautiful at the same time this story is no love story. and a vampire movie always belong on a Gothic list  

Movies 6: repo! the genetic opera
If your the type of goth that love a good sing along style of movies then this is for you it dark, its evil and alot of fun. and the main character you cant help but to love her Gothic outfit style 

Movie 7: The babadook 2014
pretty much everyone in the horror genre world has comment about how creepy this movie is.. And i have to agree with them, this movie scream a gothic vibe. The hole way in the movie you get this feeling on dark and creepy... you do need to question if the boy has autism in this movie???
i do look how at the end they learn to getting alot with the dark ness that make their life hell and that why i think it belong on this list.


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